Looking for Image generators that allow uncensored art? Check these out.

Looking for Image generators that allow uncensored art? Check these out.

With the rise of AI images, finding Ai image generatos out there which allow for various types of art which are uncensored and unrestried may prove to be difficult. It definitely wont be easy to find ones, but there are a few out there, and some even allow the ability to pay in both crypto and fiat.


  1. Coupleme: With the ability to accept both crypto and bitcoin this is one of the best tools around. Its also very flexible on the types of art it allows. Its well priced and allows you to create your own AI model
  2. CandyAI: Great for anyone looking to upload images as well as the ability to upload images.
  3. Soulgen: Generally good but a little bit more on the expensive side.
  4. Dezgo: Great for text to images only.